Lotus is a sort of Master in controlling sublte Frequencies. So you can learn from them by fusing your energy fields with them.
When you find yourself as Diamond Melting In Universe, then, you say, SUBUHANANI Or ANA AL-HAQ
To feel inaudible sounds is a first step to sentitize your inner ears.
Lost Cubit Ring Set Now
Frequencies Of Lights Set Now.
Light Energies Set Now
Energy Feedback Loop Set Now Here.
World Buchigiri Jet Coaster called "Do Don Pa" in Japan Do Don Pa, Do Don Pa, Do Don Pa
独立書人団系の書家と仏画に関するブログです、ご参考まで。 You can visit this site, if you have curiosity, anyway.http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kuwanfeng
自分らしくあれ!Be Just The Way I AM!
なお、清濁=いい悪いではありません。老君曰 大道無形 生育天地 大道無情 運行日月 大道無名 長養万物 吾不知其名 強名曰道夫道者 有清有濁 有動有静 天清地濁 天動地静 男清女濁 男動女静 降本流末 而生万物清者濁之源 動者静之基 人能常清静 天地悉皆帰夫…
其大無外 其小無内 始環無端 Energies Of Tao Bigger to no end, Smaller to no end, No End, No Beginning Of Spiral Energies