To feel inaudible sounds is a first step to sentitize your inner ears.
Lost Cubit Ring Set Now
Frequencies Of Lights Set Now.
Light Energies Set Now
Energy Feedback Loop Set Now Here.
World Buchigiri Jet Coaster called "Do Don Pa" in Japan Do Don Pa, Do Don Pa, Do Don Pa
Dai Jyoubu Da Jia Everybody, Everything is fine!
“You never will enjoy the world aright till the sea itself flows in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars, and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men …
サラバ、涙と言おう! Good bye to my tears!
自己を最も深いレベルで認識することは、同時に神を認識することである。 To comprehend yourself in the deepest level means that you comprehend the Source or God.
God's Eye is like Mantra-Booster that appears one in 3 thousand years.
This is from mobile-messages(Small messages). Thank U 4 Everything.
なんとかなるさ。 When you are about to be destructed by problems, then, say this. No problem in the end. Or, Nantoka Narusa.
Mantra is actually made from Nature's sounds and scenes. Look at this and feel it and you know the frequencies beyond Mantra.
さて何を感じるでしょうか、どういう音が聞こえてきそうですか。 何かを感じる人はサイコメトリーもできる人でしょうね。 エネルギーをどう翻訳するか、そこがポイントです。
Image Mantra イメージによるマントラです これも、音なきマントラです。 マントラとは周波数ですので、音がある必要はありません。
Mantra for those waiting for Lord's Coming. From the Aramaic. MARANATHA(MAH-RAH-NAH-THA)
複雑な過去は感謝の単純さを通じて解放される。 Sort of Mantra to release yourself from Past.Complexity of the Past is liberated through Simplicity of Gratitude.